martes, 26 de abril de 2011

The B side of life I

As we all know, today`s reality is brutally dominated by the mass media which is all the time offering us information… but is that all the information available? Or is there something else that nobody is actually telling us?
I have to say that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this. I have ever felt different, as if I belonged somewhere else. Many years I thought about it every night when I went to sleep; am I weird? Am I ever going to meet someone who feels just like me? Am I wrong? Shall I change and try to be like the other girls in my class? Am I an alien? Nobody ever gave me an answer.
But now I’ve lived long enough as to realize that I was not wrong, or weird (not even an alien). I`ve learnt that the world is full of people like me who are doing things in a different way, people that are trying to make a better world out of this one, people that are expressing ideas, people who are trying to help other people to open their eyes, people who live in the B side of life.
Being on the B side doesn`t mean that you`ve to wear funny clothes, pray to a different God, change the people you hang out with, not even buy books or read this article. Being on the B side means that you have to wake up every morning knowing that the day has something more to offer you than work, school and TV. And it means that you are going to go to sleep knowing that this world is better one because of you: not because you`ve saved someone`s life but only because someone has smiled thanks to you or only because you`ve learnt something new that has changed your perspective of life.
Being on the B side may only be fulfilled by saying “Bye, I love you all” when you leave a place and not just saying “Bye, see you”. THAT is a B side, you`ve given love and that is the most valuable present you will ever give someone.
I am planning to tell you many more things about this B side of life I am experiencing every day. If I am mistaken, please don`t blame me, I am a life apprentice, just like you.
Don`t forget to love today,

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